Alcohol and Relationships: Can It Cause Problems?

Dec 21, 2022 | Alcohol Addiction

One of the greatest deceptions alcoholism can bring upon the abuser is the falsity that alcohol and relationships are unaffected contradictions. The truth is, much of the friction between family members and those closest to the struggling party is directly influenced by drinking habits.

Such matters are often unbeknownst or adamantly denied by the individual struggling with alcohol addiction. Not only is it vital to know the tell-tale signs, but must also be approached cautiously in a loving delicate manner that doesn’t push the struggling party deeper into dangerous drinking habits. That’s where this piece will guide you to not only identifying troubling behavioral patterns but learning how to deal with the matter appropriately.

How Does Alcohol Impact People in the US?

impact of alcohol addiction to your relationship According to specific metrics, more than 6 percent of adult Americans struggle with some form of alcohol-use disorder. That’s roughly 1 in 12 males or 1 in 25 females. Those same metrics estimate beyond 623,000 children between the ages of 12 and 17 suffer from the same disorder. So what’s the cause for such a high number of alcohol disorders?

For starters, alcohol is a common staple in many social gatherings in the United States. Couple that with the additional peer pressure that comes with an elevated risk for anybody to develop an alcohol dependency in some form. This piece can not only help someone struggling with alcohol dependency but can help prevent a drinking habit to begin with. With that said, here are the common associations between alcohol and relationships.

How Can Alcohol Cause Problems In Relationships?

Accepting the fact that your struggles affect those around you is the first necessary motivational factor to begin your recovery. There is a variety of strains that alcohol abuse often puts on your closest friends and family members. Here are just a few of the ways alcohol and relationships are a bad combination.

One of the greatest psychological torments is worrying about someone. Bearing that in mind, family and friends who care about you are bound to worry. When one person in the family struggles with alcohol, the whole family struggles differently in their own way. That concern takes an emotional toll on you and your loved ones. As alone as you may feel, know your loved ones are struggling with you and together you can find recovery.

One of the most common links between alcohol and relationships is the mood swings that come with drinking. When under the influence, most people act and react in a way they usually wouldn’t in a sober state. This is one of the many reasons alcohol and relationships are a destructive combination.

These mood swings only exacerbate preexisting issues and often create new ones in the process. It can be equally difficult to kick the habit due to mood swings associated with alcohol dependency symptoms upon attempted cessation. Thankfully, Chapters Recovery Center has all the treatment paths you need to avert these mood swings and other debilitating withdrawal symptoms.

The only thing more discouraging than struggling with alcohol is that it can reel others into alcohol abuse. That’s why it’s important to realize those closest to you may also be influenced personally by your struggles with alcohol. Getting help now can save you and a family member from potentially falling into the same bad drinking habits.

When a struggle becomes an addiction, a lot of time and money goes into feeding that bad habit. In turn, your expenses begin to exceed your income. Financial constraints alone can put enough strain on a relationship. When you compound alcohol addiction with those financial struggles, it doubly affects the entire family mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Physically, meaning it can result in struggling to provide common family necessities such as food or even a home. It’s vital for your and your family’s sake to seek professional help now if alcohol struggles have begun to affect your family finances.

When alcohol becomes the focus of an individual’s life, common job priorities can easily get disregarded. So much so that a suffering work performance could result in firing. It takes refocusing one’s priorities to get back on track. Reach out to a compassionate therapist today to get your life back on track.

Alcoholism often influences family relationships by changing the abuser’s desires to center around alcohol consumption. Thus, frequenting bars and social gatherings where drinking is more prevalent become the focus. In turn, family bonds get neglected in the process.

A battle with alcohol is nearly impossible to conceal. However, it doesn’t stop many from attempting to do so, resulting in a complete detachment from family communication and circumstances. This causes family members to feel distant and can crumble a relationship from within.

The truth is, opening up to your family about your struggles with alcohol is one of the greatest first steps you can take toward sobriety. Doing so mends the communicative disconnect between you and your loved ones while getting you the help you deserve and need.

alcohol addiction effect on relationships

What Are Signs Alcohol Is Impacting A Relationship?

Behavioral cues can give you a sure indication of whether or not alcohol is putting a wedge between loved ones. Knowing those behavioral patterns can help you not only identify an alcohol problem. It can also show you the proper way of approaching the situation without pushing the struggling party deeper into alcoholism. Bearing that in mind, here are just a few indicators that alcohol is responsible for friction in a relationship.

Alcohol use has an effect on your hormonal imbalances. These imbalances can be so drastic that natural inhibitions are disregarded. That’s why alcohol use and withdrawal symptoms are both often associated with alcohol abuse. If you notice yourself or someone you love growing uncharacteristically.

This symptom is an advancement of the prior indicator. That is to say, alcohol abuse can become so severe that it exacerbates violent behaviors. While alcohol can not be to blame for the personality traits of a violent person, it can exacerbate those traits to a disturbing degree. Any signs of physical violence, especially in the case of alcohol addiction, should be met with swift professional action for your and the abuser’s safety.

This is, of course, the most obvious sign that drinking is the culprit of relationship friction. Anyone who consumes alcohol is met with a very distinct stench. This stench will especially be magnified in those who drink more, lingering for days and even weeks after intake. Drinking can even become so frequent, that the alcoholic odor seems to be permanent.

At this point of dependency, the addicted party is at the most self-harming stage of addiction. In addition to affecting those around them, ignoring this tell-tale sign perpetually puts the abuser at risk of permanent and potentially fatal health problems.

A breach of trust is the most fatal to any relationship and the byproducts of bad drinking habits are no different. When drinking becomes a focus, priorities, and morals take a back seat, causing a lot of trust issues within the family. This is especially true if the struggling party attempts to conceal or deny their battle with alcohol.

In some rare cases, it may even be necessary to schedule an appointment with an intervention specialist. If you’re uncertain whether an intervention is best for you, A trained specialist will help you assess the most efficient recovery path. Caring Chapters Recovery Center receptionists are standing by to hear your story and guide you to the best option for the entire family.

Contrary to popular belief, excessive alcohol consumption in many studies reveals a decline in sexual desire. While one or two drinks are said to have positive effects on human stimulation, excessive amounts have contrary effects.

Furthermore, drinking regularly detaches you from family priorities and needs, including intimacy between you and your spouse. These bad drinking habits begin to take the place that other private activities usually would. With more time at the bars and under the influence, decreased spousal desire and vice versa is a very common byproduct. The first step of recovery could be the first giant step towards reigniting your sex life between you and your significant other.

Turn To A Happy New Chapter Of Your Life With Chapters Recovery Center

Chapters Recover Center can help you turn a new leaf and open the floodgates to a happier sober life. The only thing preventing and concealing the joyous epiphanies sobriety has to offer is the drink that strips you of that very peace and happiness. Alcohol and relationships don’t mix. Treatment can help you mend those relationships that were once destroyed by alcohol dependency.

With a dedicated support team made up of compassionate therapists, family members, and friends, you can have your life back. It all starts simply by accepting there is an issue that needs resolving. Once you’ve accepted that fact and reached out to a specialist for help, you’re well on your way to achieving life after alcohol.

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