What’s a Men’s Addiction Treatment Program?

This option is an addiction treatment program designed specifically for male clients. Men and women struggle with addiction and its far-reaching negative consequences in different ways. Men are more likely than women to use illicit drugs of many types.
They’re also more likely to end up in a hospital’s ER or overdose because of drug use. Our addiction treatment program tailors our men’s addiction treatment programs to the unique needs that arise from the challenges men face.
Like most other treatment programs in Massachusetts, men’s programs typically require going through a detoxification process. After this, the clients can transition into the men’s addiction treatment program, either engaging in inpatient or outpatient treatment options.
Inpatient programs will require clients to live within the addiction treatment facility, where they will receive 24-hour care and follow a very structured program. Outpatient programs are ideal for people with mild addictions that don’t want to stop going to school or work.
Rehab programs usually include traditional behavioral therapy, individual counseling, group counseling, and family therapies. Group counseling will be significantly easier to deal with when clients are all of the same gender.
Sometimes, holistic or faith-based approaches will be available such as faith-based treatment. There is no form of drug rehab that is right for every person, but creating gender-specific programs could meet most client needs.
Why is a Men’s Rehab Program Necessary?
Men’s Rehab is necessary because drug and alcohol addiction affects men and women differently. Men are more likely to become addicted to drugs and alcohol and less likely to seek help. Alcoholism is the number one addiction in America for men, while drug addiction ranks second.
This might be due in part to the fact that there aren’t enough resources for these issues relating specifically to men. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women are twice as likely as men to have anxiety, but men are more likely than women to turn toward unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking, drinking, and using drugs.
There are many reasons why men’s rehab is necessary, but some of the most common reasons are due to the unique challenges that men face when it comes to addiction and recovery.
Some of these challenges include:
- Denial – Many men feel like they can’t or shouldn’t need rehab because of the stigma attached to drug and alcohol addiction. They may not want to admit that they have a problem at all.
- Shame – Men often feel a great deal of shame about their addictions.
- Responsibilities – Men teeter on a delicate tightrope when it comes to their roles in society. They are expected to be breadwinners and provide for their families, but they are also often ridiculed or looked down upon for displaying traditionally “feminine” characteristics such as being emotional or vulnerable. This can make it difficult for men to seek help for their addiction.
- Lack of support – Addicted men may feel like they don’t have anyone to turn to for help, especially if their family and friends don’t understand the nature of addiction.
- Social isolation – Men who struggle with addiction often withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves from friends and family. The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the rate of isolation.
- Substance abuse – Many men use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with the challenges.
What are the Benefits of Our Men’s Addiction Treatment Center in Massachusetts?
The most obvious answer to the question of why men’s rehab is necessary is that drug addiction and alcoholism impact men and women differently. However, there are other reasons as well.
The benefits of a good men’s addiction treatment program include:
- A focus on healing the whole person, not just the addiction
- Treatment that meets the specific needs
For one, drug addiction often starts earlier in men than it does in women. The types of drugs that men are more likely to abuse also tend to be more addictive. And finally, men are less likely to seek help for their drug addiction or alcoholism. All of these factors mean that drug rehab for men is essential to helping them get sober and stay sober.
What Issues are Covered in a Men’s Rehab Program?
Some of these include:
- Learning how to express emotions in a healthy way
- Addressing issues with self-esteem and confidence
- Developing positive relationships with other men
- Learning how to deal with stress and anxiety
- Getting help for addiction or substance abuse
Masculinity can take on many forms. Toxic masculinity is a term that is used to describe the ways in which traditional gender roles can be harmful to men. This includes teaching boys that they need to be strong and emotionless, as well as teaching them that they should be the breadwinners in their families.
Toxic masculinity could lead them to ignore mental health problems such as anxiety or depression. It also includes promoting a culture where men feel like they have to conform to certain standards in order to be considered “real men.”
Personal relationships and emotional expression are two areas where traditional masculinity can be particularly harmful. Men who don’t conform to the traditional masculine ideal can often feel like they’re not good enough or that they’re not living up to their gender role. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. It can also lead to problems with self-esteem and depression.
Stress and Addiction
Promoting a culture where men feel the pressure to conform to certain standards can cause psychological harm. A major issue with toxic masculinity is that it teaches men that emotions are a weakness, and that they should avoid showing negative emotions at all costs. When this idea is instilled in young boys from an early age, they may begin to shut off any emotions they view as “weak,” which could lead them to ignore mental health problems such as anxiety or depression.
Rehab is one of the best ways to address these issues. It can help men learn how to deal with their stress in a healthy way, and it can also help them learn how to express their emotions in a positive way. It can also help them build better personal relationships. This can be incredibly beneficial, as it can help men become more emotionally stable and better able to cope with stress. It can also help them learn how to be more supportive partners and fathers.
Which Clients Would Benefit from a Men’s Addiction Treatment Program?
In general, the ideal client of a men’s addiction treatment program is a man struggling with addiction. However, the benefits of gender-specific treatment may be necessary for men who feel like they’re under pressure to be a certain way all the time, such as being strong or being a leader. When in the presence of other men in group therapy, they are more likely to open up and let their guard down.
Men can be under intense pressure at home, at work, or in social situations. Our addiction treatment programs are aware that men have specific issues that we need to address during detox, treatment, and lifetime recovery. Rehab centers that focus on the needs of men may be the perfect place for them to have their needs addressed.
How Are Men Pressured Into Substance Abuse?
– Peer pressure.
– Family expectations.
– Cultural norms.
What Are Some Services Offered in a Men’s Rehab Program?
An individual’s drug addiction treatment program is tailored to his or her drug of choice, drug use patterns, and drug rehab needs, as well as the severity of their drug addiction. Binge drinking is a common form of drug addiction among men and can be treated with an alcohol rehab program.
Men are overrepresented in drug abuse statistics. With about 10% of the nation’s population being male, men comprise more than 90% of all drug arrests and represent 77% o drug-related fatalities. What are some reasons for this disparity?
One reason is that drugs are often marketed to men as “virility enhancers.” Anabolic steroids are one example, which continues to be used by many high school boys despite the health risks. Another reason why men may be at a greater risk for drug use is that they typically have fewer social support systems in place to deter drug abuse. A strong support system is a key to maintaining sobriety.
Many people choose long term drug rehabilitation because it is cheaper than short term and requires less time away from work or home. Rehabilitation centers typically offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs.
Inpatient rehabilitation, also known as residential treatment, requires the individual to live at the rehabilitation center during the course of treatment. Outpatient rehabilitation does not require the individual to live at the center, but instead requires regular attendance for group or individual therapy sessions.
There are many different types of rehab facilities available, and it is important to find one that specializes in the treatment of men’s issues:
Men’s Rehab Program: Residential Treatment
This type of drug rehab program requires that the individual live at the drug rehab center during treatment. This type of program can be beneficial for individuals who need a structured environment in order to overcome their addiction. Residential treatment provides 24/7 care with trained medical staff, medications, and therapies. Residential treatment programs can vary in length (30,60, or 90 day programs).
Men’s Rehab Program: Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is another common type of drug rehab program. This type of program allows the individual to live at home and attend treatment sessions at a drug rehab center during the day or evening. Outpatient treatment can be a good option for individuals who do not want to live at the drug rehab or who cannot afford treatment in an inpatient facility.
The average length of an outpatient treatment program is 30 days, but treatment can vary based on the severity of addiction. Outpatient drug rehab for men is suited for those with mild to moderate cases of addiction. Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs (IOP) is an intensive version of outpatient treatment.
Men’s Rehab Program: 12 Step Programs
Twelve-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) offer support and guidance to individuals who are struggling with addiction. These programs typically consist of a series of steps and traditions that outline how members should interact with one another in addition to sharing their experiences in order to maintain long-term sobriety.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a Treatment Locator on their website that can help those who are seeking dual diagnosis treatment find a facility in their area.
Aftercare for substance abuse and mental health disorders is critical. It is important to have a support system in place once treatment has been completed. This can be friends, family, or a 12-step program. Continued care and support will help to prevent relapse from occurring.
Rehabilitation for men can be a lifesaving experience. It is important to find the right rehab facility and program that fits the individual’s needs. Aftercare is critical for relapse prevention. With the right support system in place, rehabilitation can be a successful experience.
Relapse Prevention
Another aspect of substance abuse rehab is working through the process of relapse prevention. It is important for individuals who are recovering from an addiction to go through this step because it increases awareness about what causes people to fall back into old habits.
A professional drug addiction treatment counselor will work with the individual and help him or her develop skills that can be used in everyday life, such as stress management techniques or refusal skills that utilize alternatives when dealing with temptation. These tools and strategies also need to be used after completing treatment in order to prevent a relapse from occurring.
Join Our Men’s Addiction Treatment Center in Massachusetts Today!
At Chapters Recovery Center, we are committed to helping the young men under our care find their way to sobriety. Our team offers a wide array of treatment options, which we can tailor to the needs of the client, giving them the best possible chance for long-term recovery. In addition, if you are suffering from any underlying mental health concerns, our dual diagnosis treatment program can provide support for both conditions.
If you’re searching for an addiction treatment program that utilizes the 12-step principles, then our treatment center is here to help. Chapters Recovery Center offers men’s rehab programs near North Shore, Massachusetts. Contact our team online to learn more about our services.