Often when people seek out substance abuse treatment programs, they need an addiction treatment program that provides a full continuum of care. The treatment center they choose should also offer a range of substance abuse treatment options, as there is a range of substances people can become addicted to.
At Chapters Recovery Center, we”re committed to providing a wide range of substance abuse treatment programs. To learn about the care options available, please contact Chapters Recovery Center today at 855.626.0800 or by using our convenient online form.
Is Addiction a Disease?

The majority of people who receive addiction treatment agree that drug abuse is a disease. The drug rehab process will involve the addict identifying the root causes of their drug use and learning to manage these causes without turning back to drug abuse. This may involve first seeking out addiction treatment services.
According to data collected nationally from October to December 2020, it is estimated that 25.9 million past-year users of alcohol and 10.9 million past-year users of drugs other than alcohol reported they were using these substances “a little more or much more” than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic began.
Professional drug treatment at our state-of-the-art facility can alter an addict’s brain chemistry over time, helping them recover from drug dependency and gradually restoring their viewed sense of self-worth. Successful recovery can improve all areas of life, including family issues, work performance, relationships with friends, and general happiness about life in general.
The symptoms of addiction may include:
- Loss of interest in activities that formerly excited you
- Increase in how much of the substance you need to use to get the same effects,
- meaning that you have developed a tolerance
- Having cravings for the substance
- Hiding the amount of the substance you use from your loved ones
- Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop using the substance
- Have problems with your personal relationships
- Being unable to complete responsibilities at home, work, or school
What are Withdrawal Symptoms?
Withdrawal symptoms vary from substance to substance. If drug rehab in Massachusetts is needed to get off of drug addiction, it is important for drug users to realize that drug rehab centers can help them.
Withdrawal symptoms can include:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Poor sleep quality
- Hallucinations
- Flu-like symptoms
- Tremors/Chills
- Muscle Aches
- Headaches
- Coma
- Mood swings
Even after drug dependency has become an addiction and drug dependence has been formed, it is never too late to seek treatment. The earlier a drug addict gets help, the easier withdrawal symptoms will be to manage and cope with through drug treatment in Massachusetts. If you’re experiencing several ofthese symptoms, it’s time to seek treatment.
What Are Some of the Most Commonly Abused Substances?
There are many substances that can be abused. The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) keeps careful track of drug statistics, and drug use is listed by category.
According to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), the most commonly abused substances are:
– Hallucinogens
– THC (Marijuana)
– Cocaine
– Methamphetamine/Stimulants
– Opiates
Alcohol is a drug that is one of the most commonly abused substances. Alcohol may be one drug that many people are familiar with, but it’s also known to cause the most drug-related deaths in the United States. The drug has also been associated with violent crimes and vehicular accidents in America. Among the 138.5 million people who were current alcohol users, 61.6 million were classified as binge drinkers, and 17.7 million (28.8 percent of current binge drinkers and 12.8 percent of current alcohol users) were classified as heavy drinkers. This solidifies the need for alcohol abuse treatment.
Marijuana plants contain delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain, influencing pleasure sensations and the responses to drug-related stimuli. Marijuana use is associated with the drug being listed as a Schedule I drug by the DEA, which means it has no medical uses and is highly addictive.
More than 59.3 million people 12 or older used illicit drugs in the past year, including 49.6 million who used marijuana. During 2017–2019, the annual average prevalence of past-month marijuana use in Massachusetts was 12.2% (or 58,000), similar to the regional average (10.8%) but higher than the national average (6.8%).
Benzodiazepines are depressants. They slow down signals to the brain. For this reason, drug users take these substances in order to feel more relaxed and less anxious. The drug is often used as a sedative to calm people down or help them sleep before major events such as surgery. Benzodiazepines are common in polydrug use.
Prescription drug addiction can often be linked to drug overdoses. Benzodiazepines are responsible for the death of thousands every year because they suppress breathing when combined with other depressants like alcohol or opioids. The drug is so dangerous that it has been cited in campaigns against drug abuse, specifically prescription drug addiction, by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Some benzodiazepines are used off-label to treat psychological conditions such as psychosis.
However, the FDA states that these medications are only recommended for short-term use due to their addictive nature. Experts warn that drug users should avoid taking benzodiazepines unless under a doctor’s direct supervision due to the risk of dependency and overdose associated with its use.
Cocaine is a stimulant drug with highly addictive qualities. The drug cocaine is one that many drug experts may not be able to stop talking about because there is such an intense high involved with drug use. That intensity can lead addicts back to abusing the drug over and over again. The drug has been known for causing heart problems for those who abuse it, including seizures and stroke symptoms.
The drug can cause drug tolerance which may lead to more drug use or heightened drug cravings in an effort to achieve the same effects of the drug. Cocaine is often snorted, but can also be injected for a faster high. Crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water which makes it very easy to smoke.
Even though opioid addiction is on the rise across the U.S., prescription opioids are still one of the most commonly misused drugs. The DPH’s total of 2,104 confirmed and estimated opioid deaths in 2020 is up from the 2,002 recorded in 2019, and slightly above the previous record high of 2,102 in 2016.
Opioid drugs are used for treating both acute and chronic pain, which is why they are prescribed to more than 100 million Americans annually. Opioid drug use disorder is characterized by compulsive drug taking despite harmful consequences and drug cravings. As a result, fentanyl was present in 92 percent of opioid deaths where a toxicology report was available in 2020, according to the DPH, and heroin was detected in 14 percent.
The drug can cause drug tolerance which may lead to more drug use or heightened drug cravings in an effort to achieve the same effects of the drug.
In order to diagnose opioid abuse or addiction, doctors will assess the patient medical history and conduct a physical examination. In the event that there is a problem with drug use, patients may receive a referral for drug rehab in Massachusetts.
Doctors also conduct urine tests on patients who exhibit signs of opioid abuse to detect morphine, oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), codeine, heroin, and other opioids. This process is known as drug testing or urinalysis. Urine samples can show whether the person has recently used opioids by measuring levels.
Methamphetamine drugs are stimulants with effects on the central nervous system and increased heart rate. Methamphetamine is a drug, also known as meth or crystal meth, that can lead to drug dependence and addiction quickly.
Street names for methamphetamine include:
- Crank
- Chalk
- Speed
- Ice
People who struggle with methamphetamine abuse may do so because they believe that the drug will help them lose weight or improve their mental performance.
Substance Abuse Statistics in Massachusetts
In 2020, substance abuse in Massachusetts was expected to cost the state approximately $13 billion in treatment expenses, medical care costs, drug enforcement, and criminal justice costs.
Although federal drug control spending was estimated to amount to about $15.5 billion in funding in 2010, drug dependency is still a major problem in Massachusetts. Every year drug rehab centers are flooded with people who need help with drug addiction.
It’s important for everyone to understand that drug use can lead to drug addiction very quickly when drug users do not seek proper guidance or help before it is too late. Many addicts fail to realize that they have developed an addiction until it has become difficult or impossible for them to stop without help.
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
Substance abuse can range from a mild condition to a severe one, making it significantly more challenging to identify. The continuum of care is designed to help drug users of all forms on their journey toward drug-free living.
For drug users, drug treatment in Massachusetts is an effective option for beating addiction.
The types of drug rehab programs available are partially driven by the severity of drug abuse issues, but more often it is based on individual needs and concerns. Drug rehabilitation works best when the user makes a personal commitment to participate fully in drug rehab programs. Start getting help today with our directory of drug rehabs in Massachusetts.
Alcohol Abuse Treatment Program
An addiction to alcohol, for a long time, called alcoholism but now commonly referred to as alcohol use disorder, is the inabilityto control your alcohol intake, in spite of the effect it is having on your mental or physical health.
In many cases, when you don’t drink, you have trembling or headaches, indicating that you’re going through withdrawal. Fortunately, our alcohol addiction treatment program can help you overcome your addiction. With the help of our experienced clinicians, you can move into the future without relying on alcohol to get through each day.
Drug Abuse Treatment Program
There are a wide array of drugs available today, both illicit and legal, that can lead to dependency or addiction. Some of these drugs, like fentanyl or morphine, are available with a doctor’s prescription.
However, other substances, like heroin or cocaine, are highly illegal. Whether you’re addicted to an illicit or a legal medication, it’s critical to seek drug addiction treatment. Doing so can significantly decrease the effect that the drug is having on your health.
We offer a range of drug abuse treatment options, including:
- Heroin addiction treatment
- Methamphetamine addiction treatment
- Benzo addiction treatment
- Cocaine addiction treatment
- Opioid addiction treatment
Don’t let your addiction to drugs keep you from having a better life. Contact Chapters Recovery Center today to learn about our treatment options.
Contact Chapters Recovery Center
At Chapters Recovery Center, we have a highly qualified team of experts committed to client health and recovery. We offer a range of addiction treatment programs, which we can tailor to each client’s unique needs. Our services include:
It’s time to move forward into the world of recovery. Let us help you begin a new chapter in your life. For more information about our substance abuse treatment programs, please give us a call today.